Technical SEO - Checklist 2022

If you don't want to cause problems and you want your site to be crawlable and indexable, then you need to check the technical solution of your site. As long as the search engine doesn't have trouble crawling your site and recognizes the content of the pages, there's nothing stopping them from indexing and displaying in search results.

Core Web Vitals Core Web Vitals
HTTPS protocol HTTPS protocol
Clean URL structure Clean URL structure
XML sitemap XML sitemap
Robots.txt Robots.txt
Dulicated content Dulicated content
Broken links (internal + outbound) Broken links (internal + outbound)
Crawling & Indexing Crawling & Indexing
Meta data Meta data
Structured data Structured data
Hreflang (International Websites) Hreflang (International Websites)
Mobile-friendly website Mobile-friendly website
Canonical tags Canonical tags
404 pages 404 pages
Redirects (301/302) Redirects (301/302)

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Author of checklist

Pavel Zaněk

I'm Full Stack Web developer interested in online marketing - especially in the search engine optimization (SEO).

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Approved by Pavel Zaněk

Approved at 2 years ago (2022-02-28)

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