Example of Takeoff and Landing Checklist - Checklist 2022

Warning: This is just an example of what a checklist for the takeoff and landing of smaller aircraft can look like. Most pilots use written checklists, while many others don’t because they feel they are experienced enough, and/or too busy, and don’t need them. With the checklist, you avoid forgetting to check a task.

Before takeoff checklist Before takeoff checklist
Final checklist (takeoff) Final checklist (takeoff)
Before landing checklist Before landing checklist
Final checklist (landing) Final checklist (landing)

Author of checklist

Pavel Zaněk

I'm Full Stack Web developer interested in online marketing - especially in the search engine optimization (SEO).


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Approved by Pavel Zaněk

Approved at 2 years ago (2022-03-19)

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